ZilBank.com launches instant fund transfer
By Delisha Fernandes
ZilBank.com, an online banking platform, has announced that account holders can instantly transfer funds between two Zil accounts. The new facility also allows transferring funds via account numbers, email, phone numbers, or QR codes.
“This is an exciting development for ZilBank.com users,” said Sabeer Nelli, CEO and Founder of ZilBank.com. “The Zil Intra Transfer feature will be handy for our customers, and we promise to bring more innovations in days ahead.”
Zil Money Corp. allows easy integration with well-known accounting software such as Zoho, Gusto, Sage, QuickBooks, Bill.com, Zapier, etc., enabling customers to complete payments directly from the accounting platforms. Moreover, users can select from various payment methods like ACH/direct deposit, check printing, email checks, mail checks, wire transfers, etc.
Zil Bank’s virtual card functions like a physical bank card, but it’s stored on a user’s phone or other devices, reducing fraud risk. In addition, users can create multiple cards and temporarily block and unblock them using the mobile app or web platform, allowing easy expense management.
The cloud-based banking platform has also made international payments easier for overseas suppliers and customers. The platform enables users to conduct transactions in multiple currencies and records all transactions, ensuring accurate bank reconciliation by connecting various bank accounts.
Non-resident business owners of the US can access a fee-free checking account with ZilBank.com. Business details and a valid passport are the only criteria to open a bank account.
ZilBank.com’s Payment Link is a fast, cost-effective, and time-saving way to accept online payments. The user can send customisable links to the payers, making it easy for them to make payments directly to the payee.
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